Charis Christmas Update 2024
‘The people dwelling in darkness have seen a great light, on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.' Matthew 4:16'The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it !' The true light that gives light to everyone has come into the world!' John 1:5.9 And His name is JESUS!’
In Charis we have the privilege of serving those who through circumstances outside of their control like war and poverty, selfishness and greed, are living in conditions where the shadow of death casts its long shadow over their lives. Above you can see Hindya, a young muslim lady forced to flee Oromio with her 5 children, because of the ongoing war, which left her husband-less and homeless. Elizabeth visiting a particular area came across this family begging on the streets of Addis. The mother was exhausted trying to earn enough to fill the bellies of her 5 young children and keep watch night after night as they slept outside on the dangerous streets of Ethiopia's capital city. But the light of Jesus does shine in the dark areas of our world and Elizabeth reached out to this family with the love of God, providing food, clothes and a room, a safe place to stay. Hindya has been amazed at the love shown to her and her children. We are praying she will come to know Jesus through our continuing prayers and Elizabeth's pastoral visits.
Ethiopia Impact 2024
2024 has been a year of change and challenge for Elizabeth. Due to the ongoing unstable political situation and conflicts Elizabeth made the difficult decision to move to Addis Ababa in August this year, moving away from her home in Nekemte, which has been at the centre of the troubles in Oromio to be with her family in the capital. Charis has fully supported this move and we thank God for protecting her thus far. The journey to Addis was incredibly dangerous, when vehicles in front of their bus where attacked and people were killed. Many people from the surrounding provinces are fleeing to Addis, which is leading to a very desperate situation on the streets of the capital, where hundreds of displaced families are seeking to survive by begging.
But even in the storms of life God has a plan -God has planted Elizabeth in a new place where her ministry of compassion is continuing. She has encountered many desperate displaced families and many elderly barely surviving and by God's grace, Charis has begun to help some.
In May this year when we visited Addis we witnessed first hand the situation. It was good to be with Elizabeth in person, praying and planning the way forward together.
Remember Tigist (below) the young sick woman with 2 young children begging by day and returning to sleep in a public toilet 1.2 m2 - praise God we were able to help them. Tigist is now much stronger and they have a safe room to live in and monthly food and medicines.
We thank God for all that has been accomplished this year:
26 vulnerable poor helped with monthly food, medicines, and pastoral care until July.
In July 10 graduated in Nekemte - given micro grants to start small businesses.
13 in Nekemte who are continuing to receive monthly food kits or cash gifts.
8 children sponsored to go to school
Addis since August
16 individuals including mothers, grandmas, children, sick and disabled now receiving monthly food and medical help + 3 families with rented rooms.
Schoolkids in Nekemte equipped for school
Almaz in Nekemte receiving her micro-grant
Please pray with us for Elizabeth and this holistic ministry - We thank God for her for and pray others with the same heart would join hands with her so that more people can be helped and come to know Jesus and for God's increasing provision.
Mozambique Impact 2024
We thank God for lives that have been blessed this year and for the team especially Sergio and Orlando, who have worked with commitment and love serving the people. Here is a snapshot but does not include countless other individuals given periodic help:
20 new houses built.
19 schoolkids sponsored.
5 micro-businesses and 1 training course.
110 families provided with seeds for small farms.
89 monthly food kits distributed.
2 Team member project grants and 1 sponsored in engineering course.
27 students receiving worship/music training.
440 kids blessed by regular Kids Clubs - which includes God's Word alongside good food!
Highlights of 2024
In July this year whilst we were in Vilanculos we received the great news that our national association ACM had finally been registered. After a long road with many twists and turns we are now legally recognized in Mozambique. This meant that we could finally move forward with the building of the Life Centre. During our second visit in October/November we had the joy of watching the beginnings of the building and the vision begin to take root.
October-November 2024
Bandua help The area of Bandua 7 hours north of Vilanculos remains a place of much need. During our July/August trip we accompanied the team and camped for a week visiting the resettlement areas and witnessing much need. Whilst we were there we identified many in desperate need of houses. Recently the team went up to build 10 new houses.
OLd house
New house
The people of Bandua live with the constant challenge of growing enough food to live. Climate change has directly affected these vulnerable people, who rely on the rains for their planting seasons but this year they have not come. In April this year and again in November we heard the cries of the people, who were hungry, surviving on strange leaves, mangoes, and worms. The team witnessed the terrible struggle, when they visited in May and again in November and so Charis responded with emergency food kits and seeds.
May 2024
November 2024
Kids Clubs are a great way to feed a lot of kids at once alongside teaching of God's word and fun. Every time the team visit they bless the (200+) kids with at least 1 club. When we were there in July it was so moving to see their little faces light up at the sight of the buckets of rice and yummy beans! Most came back for seconds:)
July 2024
Water Pump Initiative - During our July trip to Bandua we trialed a small water pump project. The farm was planted with corn and the water pump supplied ongoing water. The harvest was fair, producing 22 50kg bags of corn. About 8 people who worked on the farm benefited as well as a number of elderly. Our plan is to roll this out to more families.
Seeds, tools, bikes and water pumps are a great way to help the people of Bandua have ongoing food for the year. We cannot imagine what it must be like to miss meals and not know where the next will come from. Charis remains committed to helping with farms.
November 2024
A glance into the new year 2025
Finally we would ask you to pray for Orlando, who we are delighted to share has been accepted at Hatfield Worship Academy in Pretoria SA for a 5 month course, which will equip him further to be the anointed worship leader and teacher God has called him to be. Please pray with us as we negotiate the somewhat tricky visa process.
Prayer Alert Mozambique! We would also ask you to join us in prayer to pray for peace and justice in Mozambique. Since the elections in October there has been increasing unrest because of widespread claims and evidence of fraud, ballot stuffing etc. As we send this letter out many areas of Mozambique are witnessing protests and the government police and military are responding with violence. More than 100 have already lost their lives. Unfortunately there are groups of young men, who are vandalising cars, shops and buildings and threatening anyone they consider to be the opposition. So far we thank God Vilanculos has been calm but Bandua has seen protests with one man being shot and killed. The SA border has been affected and periodically closed.
As we began this letter 'God's light shines in the darkness' and that is our mission. Where life is tough - in poverty and war we want to show the grace, mercy and love of Jesus who alone can give eternal hope. Some of us this Christmas will have the privilege of sitting around tables laden with turkey, roast potatoes, Christmas pudding and much more, in places of peace. But let's remember our neighbours in Mozambique and Ethiopia, and many other places, who will wake up and face another day of surviving in the midst of poverty and conflict.
We would like to pray a blessing upon you all as we end this year and enter a new one. Thank you! Without your support and partnership none of this would be possible. May we all know the continuing presence of the One who is Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Love and God Bless
Mel & Mandy and Charis Teams xxx
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Sort Code: 20-09-72
Account Number: 63652572 or contact Mel –
Registered UK Charity 1138859