Charis Update September 2024

'We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all God’s people— the faith and love that spring from the hope stored up for you in heaven and about which you have already heard in the true message of the gospel  that has come to you. In the same way, the gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world...' (Colossians 1:3-6)

A Fruitful Trip

It was great to reunite with our team in Mozambique and spend time together-on the road, on outreach in Bandua serving together, in prayer, worship and sharing Gods word, relaxing and sharing meals together. We rediscovered our joint vision and purpose to make Jesus known, reaching out to the 'least' with God's practical love and compassion. We refreshed our souls and listened to each others hearts. We are delighted to see how Sergio and Orlando are well respected young men of God in their community and often sought out for wise advice, help and encouragement. We visited the villages and churches sharing with them God's word, food and medical care.

Sergio, Orlando and our friend Sadia

ACM (Associacao Caridade de Mocambique) - The highlight of the trip was hearing the news that our national association ACM had finally been legally registered. After many twists and turns over the past few years we thank God that he granted us the perseverance and faith not to give up! God's timing of course is perfect.
In the time of my favour, I will answer you, and in the day of salvation I will help you.. (Isaiah 49:8a).
We thank God for His grace that allowed us to be there in Mozambique together with the team when we heard, which meant we could celebrate together and be present at the first ACM boards meeting. We see this as God's open door to continue to serve in Mozambique and work for the holistic transformation of lives and communities - building more homes, providing more seeds and tools for small farms, providing more people with grants and loans for self-sustaining micro-businesses, more modes of transport, and alongside sharing the good news of JESUS. 

Life Centre - The good news is that with the registration complete we can now move forward with the building of the Life Centre. Mel and Mandy will be traveling to Mozambique in October to oversee with the team the building of Phase 1 - the Foundations. The vision for the Centre remains strong-that by God's Spirit it will be a place of God's presence, which serves the local churches and community and beyond, where JESUS is the focus and disciples are made, a place of nurture, prayer and worship, where God's word is taught and God's people are strengthened and spurred on in their faith to love and good deeds. 

Making the final preparations

Bandua Outreach
During their second week Mel and Mandy, Sergio and Orlando made the arduous journey up to Bandua to assess the ongoing situation there and start the Water Pump Initiative. 
It was very moving as always as we walked around the local areas. We saw many vulnerable elderly and young single mums with children living in poor shelter and clearly struggling to find enough food to survive. Two old ladies turned up at our camp early one morning pleading that we visit them and asking for a new house. That day we visited and were so sad to see how they were living - in dirty, damp shacks with holes in the roof and such meagre possessions: a few shabby clothes and bowls and broken water bucket.
They along with 8 others will be receiving the miracle of a new home when the team travel back up to Bandua next week for the next outreach. 
Another key focus for Bandua was to start the Water Pump initiative - The team suggested, before rolling out water pumps to small cooperatives, we should invest in a pump and establish a small farm to see how the pump operates in irrigating the land and the costs involved, and if the farm produces well,,  use 50% of the produce to distribute among the poorest families/individuals known to the pastors in the churches. 
We started the farm in July and now as you can see the corn crop is flourishing praise God. That is despite challenges and threats of hippos from the lake taking nightly jaunts searching for some tasty morsels:)  The team erected a fence which seems to have deterred them!

The water pump starts to irrigate the farm!

                                 Fantastic growth of the corn crop!

We thank God for watching over Elizabeth's move and transition to Addis these past 2 months. It was a difficult decision for Elizabeth to move from her home of Nekemte to the capital but the ongoing conflicts in Oromio have made it extremely dangerous. Only last week, when Elizabeth was returning from a visit to Nekemte to finalise some arrangements, they encountered militants on the road, who started shooting at innocent travelers killing and injuring many. We thank God that he protected Elizabeth and Lemane, who will be living with Elizabeth in Addis. However we all agree that to carry on making journeys to Nekemte is no longer prudent and are praying God will open a different way for Elizabeth to continue to provide help for those remaining on the care list there. We thank God in July we were able to graduate 11 of the dear ones in Nekemte giving them small grants to start micro-businesses. It is an honour to support Elizabeth in her holistic ministry and see how these dear ones have grown stronger, emotionally, spiritually and physically and are now able to be self-sustaining. 

                                     Nekemte graduates

Elizabeth brought little Lemane with her to Addis and is effectively adopting her. Lemane was found alone and abandoned on the street in September last year after traveling with a displaced group and getting lost. She has lost her parents and now calls Elizabeth 'mother':) Charis will continue to support Lemane's schooling. 

                         Lemane with her new school kit

Since moving to Addis last month Elizabeth has been busy (despite us trying to encourage her to rest a while!) She has encountered many on the streets of Addis in very difficult situations and God has led her to a number of families, whom Charis has agreed to help. 

                                          Living in a toilet!

                                                 New room!

Above is Tigist whom Elizabeth found on the street begging. She has been displaced because of the conflicts from neighbouring Oromio. Elizabeth asked to visit where she was staying and found her living in a public toilet that she was having to pay for - 1.2 m ! She was suffering from a bad chest infection and malnutrition and has 2 dear young children. Elizabeth has found a room for them to stay and Charis will pay the rent and support the family until she becomes stronger and is able to graduate to become self-sustaining. Please pray for this young family, that they come to know Jesus the one who sent Elizabeth to reveal his great love for them.

Below is grandma, Asnaku, whom Elizabeth found begging, also displaced by the conflicts. When she visited her at home she was breastfeeding her grandson because of lack of food! She was in a very anxious state because she could not afford to pay the room rent and the owner was threatening to evict her. Praise God Charis will now pay the rent and help them monthly until she becomes stronger. She knows Jesus and was praising God for hearing her cries. 
We have helped both families with mattresses, blankets, plastic flooring and some clothes and food. 
Elizabeth found 6 more elderly and disabled people living in dire situations that we will be helping with basic necessities and monthly food. As usual Elizabeth will be making pastoral visits to them and caring for their medical needs and praying with them. Her heart focus is always that they will come to know Jesus. Please pray for this new ministry. 

           Asnaku and her grandson praising God for His blessings!

Prayer Points

First of all we thank God for His continuing faithfulness and protection and send a BIG thank you to YOU our supporters for your love and compassion for the marginalised poor in Mozambique and Ethiopia, partnering with us in our ministry and supporting us with your prayers, love and generous gifts.

Please pray for:

  • Elizabeth to settle well into Addis Ababa, for protection as she travels around the city and for the Holy Spirit to continue to guide and fill and anoint her with his power, love and strength.

  • The new families receiving help that they might come to know Jesus and the good news of the gospel.

  • Lemane - for her first month at her new school in Addis - may God hide her in the shelter of His presence and grant her a future and a hope.

  • The dear ones in Nekemte - for God to make a way for Charis to continue to support those in need of monthly help.

  • Mozambique - Bandua outreach next week - for safe travels and safety as the team build and for more opportunities to share about Jesus and see many mature in their faith. We thank God for Sergio and Orlando who continue to serve with passion and love and are great ambassadors for Jesus wherever they go.

  • Bento who is doing well in his engineering course. We thank God for placing him in a class with other Christian young men and women.

  • The success of the Water Pump farm -providing good food for the vulnerable and more provision to be able to roll out more water pumps to small groups of families providing all- year round food.

  • Mel and Mandy's upcoming trip to Mozambique on 14th October - 15th November, for safe travels and a smooth start to the building of the Life Centre.

'Righteousness and justice are the foundation to your throne; love and faithfulness go before you.' (Psalm 89:14)

May God bless you and thank you for you love and support,

Jesus is our very great Reward!

Mel, Mandy and Charis Teams

(If you wish to donate: Barclays Bank: Charis Ministries. Sort Code: 20-09-72 Account Number: 63652572 or contact Mel –

Registered UK Charity 1138859


Charis Christmas Update 2024


Charis Prayer Update - July 2024