Charis Update July 2022

If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you. This is to my Father's glory that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.' (John 15:7-8)

Mel and Mandy Mozambique Trip May-June 2022

After almost 2 and a half years we finally made it back to Mozambique in May spending 6 quality weeks with the team. It was an emotional time for us, reuniting with old friends, sharing fellowship and training with our team, joining in Kids Clubs with beloved children, returning to familiar villages where Charis has been helping the marginalised poor for years and returning to Bandua, where Charis has been privileged to be able to bless many of the poorest of the poor there with the practical evidence of God's generous love. We saw many of the Charis zinc houses dotted here and there in the resettlement camps, which seem to shine in the sun and reminded us of the command that as Christians we are called by our good deeds to 'shine like stars in the darkness'.

Bandua Trip May 2022

We were delighted to be able to return to Bandua camping there for a week. We visited the resettlement camps visiting many families whom we have helped over the past few years since the cyclone of 2019. Above we are praying with a family - the recipient of a Charis house, who is struggling like so many others to find enough food to survive. We were saddened to hear the same story again and again that they are all hungry and desperate to find ways to feed their families. There remain many, who still live under bits of tarpaulin and sticks.

We met this lady, a single mum with 4 small children, who was so downcast. As well as having malaria, she could not feed her family. It was mid afternoon and they had not eaten yet. We took them a food kit of course and prayed for them, but this can only be a temporary solution. There are so many others are in a similar situation. Everywhere we went we heard the same plea-we are hungry.

We held a meeting for the old people in one of the camps inviting over a 100 people. We encouraged them with God's word about the widow, whom Jesus noticed in the temple as she put in her small coin into the collection bowl and gave 'all she had to live on'. Jesus commended her sacrificial faith in God. Whether we are rich or poor God looks at the heart and sees those who live wholeheartedly for him. We blessed them all with rice and beans. Many ate only half in their bowl and saved the rest for later.

Small farms success!

One of the best ways to help families is to set up small micro-projects like the 20 small farms we financed in November. We were happy to visit a number of these farms, which have produced well. The young man above has enough corn to last 8 months and provide for his family praise God. We would love to finance more of these farms later in the year.

Alongside the small farms projects we have provided bikes to many whose farms are located many miles away from the camps. We met with other recipients of the bikes, whose little businesses have been boosted by this simple mode of transport alleviating the difficulties of buying and selling their produce.

This lady was walking miles to reach her small farm and was overjoyed to receive this bike which would not only save her legs but be a means to transport the produce. A bike costs about £30.
We also visited the market to see how the other small businesses were doing. The young man selling pork, the ladies selling vegetables, the young man selling bread - all are doing well. of course some who received a little business booster have not seen success due to challenging family circumstances like sickness, which has hampered their progress. Life in Bandua is tough.

Sweet porridge for sweet school children!
It was a joy and a challenge (!) for us to be able to provide sweet maize porridge for one of the resettlement camp schools. We fed 850 hungry children and were welcomed with open arms by the teachers and principle of the school. They said if we could do this regularly the lure of the sweet porridge would not only satisfy the children's hunger but encourage them to come to school!

We would love to be able to provide this food twice a week but that depends on God's provision. To feed 800 children twice a week would cost around £100+ a week.

Village visits
We visited many of our Vilanculos villages, where our base is - encouraging them with God's word, sharing a fellowship meal with them, seeing the sick and blessing them with clothes donated by our South African friends.

Mandy is applying sun cream to little Grace, who is albino. We see so many albinos with terrible scars from the sun. Sun cream is incredibly expensive and most families cannot afford it.

This is our good friend Mariana reminding us of how the traditional 'matapa' is made. This was our lovely lunch after our time together sharing in worship and bringing God's word.

Ethiopia News

Elizabeth, with the help of Zenabu, is continuing to provide beautiful holistic care to 31 vulnerable dear ones, 7 of whom are HIV positive, and are extremely poor and living in very difficult conditions. Elizabeth is a good Samaritan. When she encounters a person, who is begging on the street she does not walk past, instead she talks to them and finds out how she can help. Recently she came across Gudine, who is disabled and was begging. Elizabeth asked to visit and found her living alone in a bare, dirty room with nothing; no mat, not even a blanket and no cooking utensils. We have started to help Gudine, with monthly food, clothes and basic furnishings for her room. 

Elizabeth and Zenabu also care for Abebach, who had no place to live. Now she has a room, monthly food and pastoral visits from Elizabeth and Zenabu, who encourage her with prayer and God's word. They also care for Bezanesh, who has a disk problem and is often sick and Gadise, who has also been very sick recently. Elizabeth uses her nursing skills to treat them.

This ministry is presently hampered by the challenging situation in Ethiopia, where ethnic conflicts are happening very close to Nekemte, where Elizabeth lives. Recently several hundred poor farmers were murdered 30 kms from Nekemte. They were from Amhara living in Oromo and it seems were targeted for ethnic reasons. There is also war in the North of the country in the Tigray region. Much prayer for peace is needed.

Prayer Points

  • We thank God for a safe and fruitful trip to Mozambique and pray God's forward blessing on Charis and the team as we continue to run the race God has called us to - to show God's love and compassion among the vulnerable poor and make true disciples of Jesus whose lifestyle, words and actions reflect Him.

  • We pray for the people of Bandua, who are struggling to feed their families. We pray for favourable weather conditions for their small farms as well as more provision so that Charis can help fund more micro-businesses to help many more poor families.

  • We pray for more provision to fund more houses and provide safe, secure homes for many more of the poorest of the poor.

  • We pray for the team- that they will be united in love and truth and grow and mature in their faith and be true disciples of Jesus with a passion to see people transformed by God's grace and power.

  • We pray for God's guidance as we pray about the way forward in Mozambique.

  • We pray for Ethiopia - for peace and reconciliation between the different ethnic groups. For Christians to be in places of influence where they can be peace-makers and stand up for true justice.

  • We pray for protection for Elizabeth and Zenabu and their families. For strength and grace to persevere in challenging circumstances.

  • We pray for each person on Elizabeth's care list - that each one will know the saving, healing, delivering power of Jesus and experience His powerful transforming love.

  • We pray for Charis UK and Mel and Mandy - for the Holy Spirit to guide our every decision and unite us together in love and obedience that we might fulfill the purposes of God.

Thank you for your wonderful support, which enables many vulnerable ones to be reached with God's transforming love and compassion!

Love and God Bless,

Mel & Mandy and Charis Teams


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Charis Update October 2022


Charis Update March 2022