Charis Update October 2022
'There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. at his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus covered with sores and longing to eat what fell from the rich mans table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores.' (Luke 16:19-21)
At the weekend we heard Jesus' story of the Rich Man and Lazarus again and as always we were left feeling deeply challenged. The fact is God cares deeply about the poorest of the poor and the oppressed in our world and as His people we are called to demonstrate that concern in real and practical ways. If we truly have God's Spirit in us then it is impossible for us to leave a poor beggar at our gate ignored with only dogs to attend to his wounds. It is impossible for us to see and hear people suffering and have no compassion on them, because God who is a God of justice, love and compassion moves our hearts to act and pray.
Below you will read about and see many who live on the margins of our world, in third world countries, in resettlement camps, in broken shacks, in communities with little food, in areas of war and conflict - these are 'the Lazarus at our gate', whom we are compelled to love.
Abdi with his grandmother - Nekemte Ethiopia
The other week Elizabeth came across this grandmother begging with her grandson Abdi. They had both fled the war after Abdi's parents were shot and killed and Abdi was also shot and lost a leg. They have been living in a dirty room, which has nothing and have been forced to beg to survive. Despite the terrible conditions Abdi remains a little boy full of hope for the future and says he wants to be a Doctor:). We want to help him go to school and find some better accommodation for them near to the local school.
School uniforms
It has been a privilege to send 7 children to school in September equipping them with uniforms, bags, shoes, exercise books and pens. Education is the key for these economically poor children to have a hope and a future. The joy on their faces says it all!
Charis continues to support Elizabeth as she distributes monthly food and provisions to the vulnerable poor, the sick, the elderly, disabled and orphans on her care list alongside offering pastoral support, prayer, bible encouragement and medical help.
The young girl on the right is Genet, an orphan, who has been through a terrible ordeal of rape. She is only 14 years old. Elizabeth says that sexual abuse and rape among young girls is a big problem and asks for our prayers.
Back in Bandua
Children in camp 2021 showing real signs of malnutrition
Feeding 700 schoolkids!
These past 2 weeks the Mozambican team have been in Bandua ministering and serving in the resettlement camps, where thousands of displaced people are struggling to carve out a living for themselves and their families. When we went up in June the constant cry was 'we are hungry!' So we have been looking at ways to alleviate the hunger. One way is to feed the children and so we visited the school in Camp 2021 and trialed a day feeding sweet nutritious porridge to the 700 kids. It went so well we prayed we might have sufficient funds to continue. This last trip the team have been able to carry out the program 4 times (2 x per week) and the kids and teachers have been so blessed and encouraged. We are hoping God-willing to set this project rolling for the next 6 months when we visit in the next couple of weeks.
The kids were also blessed at the weekends with Kids clubs having fun, food and interacting with bible stories and the gift of flip flops. Jesus loves children: 'Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them.'
Small Farms Project October 2022
One tested way of alleviating hunger in the area is to provide families with self sustaining small farms, including seeds, tools and a bike. Last year this project was very successful with families reaping enough corn to feed their families for about 8 months and so thanks to God we have been rolling it our again blessing 20 more families.
We thank God for the team who have worked and served wholeheartedly alongside Bandua Christians in very hot and dusty conditions these past 2 weeks. They serve because they love Jesus and want to see His kingdom grow, transforming lives and communities. Each day they begin by worshiping, praying and encouraging each other with God's word.
Bento, Orlando, Sergio
Making God's Word accessible
We thank God that we have been able to partner with CCA, a local organisation in Vilanculos, who provided us with a number of talking bibles to distribute to those who cannot read and write.
Prayer Points
Firstly, we thank God for all that has been achieved in Ethiopia and Mozambique because without His power, presence, people, wisdom and provision we can do nothing of any eternal worth.
Pray for Ethiopia
Abdi and his grandmother in Ethiopia - for a safe place to live and for Abdi's dreams to come true.
Holistic transformation of the hearts and lives of those on Elizabeth's care list.
Protection for Elizabeth and Zenabu as they travel about visiting and distributing food.
Peace and an end to all conflict.
Pray for Mozambique
Protection for the team as they return on Tuesday.
The success of the small farms - the right weather conditions and health and strength for the farmers.
The school in Camp 2021- that the way will continue to be open for us and the provision available for us to roll out the feeding program for the next 6 months.
Many to come to know Jesus as Lord, the giver of LIFE.
Pray for Mel & Mandy's Mozambique Trip
They will be travelling to Mozambique for a month on Monday the 10th October. Please pray for a smooth safe journey, and for the Holy Spirit to lead and guide them and the team in all things as they seek to move things forward for the future.
Thank you for your continued support which is enabling many vulnerable poorly resourced dear people to be reached with God's transforming love.
Love and God Bless,
Mel & Mandy xxx
(If you wish to donate: Barclays Bank: Charis Ministries. Sort Code: 20-09-72
Account number: 63652572)
Registered charity: 1138859